Monday, November 15, 2004

Last night, I wrote my annotated bibliography and it wasn't so bad. And when I was looking to make sure I have everything I need- I saw that the quiz on friday is only worth 5%.

I saw my Dad yesterday. That was nice... I was kind of hoping I'd talk to him/see him this weekend.

I guess I'm still impressed with Di's engineering boys. I think it is because a lot of the guys in science are very "pre-med" and seem to have forgotten how to have fun. And they(the engg guys) still get impressive marks. So it just goes to show, you can go out and have fun and still get good marks. Only if you work hard in between though. That mean, starting today I am studying everyday, so that I can go out on friday or Saturday guilt free. Because I have really slacked off, and I am pretty sure it is going to show in the next two marks I get back. I probably need this kick in the ass to get me going again.

State: ready to get my ass in gear...
Song: Trouble Sleeping- The Perishers

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