Thursday, December 16, 2004

Procrastination is me.

So I found this link on Jeanine's blog for Origami Boulders. It may not be a joke, but I still find it funny...I love the first sentance of the site: "YOU BUY WADDED UP PAPER NOW!!!!" Classic.

I also did a quiz. Here were the results...

What eating utensil are you?


You are truly the king of all eating utensils.Although you aren't nearly as popular as the traditional utensils known as forks and spoons, you are more versatile. You are rounded like a spoon, allowing one to scoop liquids and soft foods, and at the same time feature tines at the end like a fork, allowing one to stab harder, more solid foods. Perhaps one day you will replace forks and spoons altogether.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

And I also checked out a website found on Craig's site... The Brick Testament.
Someone had a lot of time on their hands.

Okay... back to work. Really.

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