Thursday, December 09, 2004

I finished the EVIL THING that was a grant proposal. And Dr. Bad wanted to give us an exam that consisted of him giving us a question and us writing a GRANT PROPOSAL! And the class gave a resounding NOOOOO! You know what that would involve?!?!?!?!??!

I'd have to spend the next 6 precious days researching and memorizing a 5(but with the modified margins) 8 page paper and writing it. SO HARD!

Anyhow... last night, I safewalked until 9:30... watch TV for like an hour with my roommates who were baked. I really wasn't in much of a better state yesterday. I mean, I was sleep-drunken all day! I don't even remember what went on in my classes yesterday... It's so bad! The whole day is like it never happened.

I am really frustrated with the program I am in. Especially, principles of gene manipulation. That has to be the CRAPPIEST most useless waste of my time course. I don't know... I want to change the way they structure classes. I don't even know where I would start to do something like that. Someone would probably tell me to become a teacher. Because then you could change it from the inside out. I don't know... listen to me yammering...

Anyhow... I need to go make my study schedule.

State: Much more rested!

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