Sunday, December 05, 2004

So... this weekend was pretty good. Friday, I went out with Aja to her Water Polo fundraiser party. That was lots of fun...

Saturday, I was mad at myself because I hardly did anything. I actually got pretty upset at myself. Grr... And that night I had some weird/scary nightmare that I was in a bus that decided it was going to run the yellow light, but the car in front, a red convertable with its top down, decided it was going to stop and the bus basically just plowed right into it sending it into traffic to the left of it. It was horrible... the sounds *shudders*, I hope I never hear anything like it in real life!

Today was highly productive. I got up at 8:30 am... finished my laundry,shovelled snow, ate breakfast and ate lunch. Spent from 11:30 to 3:30 at Second Cup working on my Grant proposal and finishing up my study notes for cell biology. Went to the gym from 4:00 until 5:30. Ate supper and then I wrote my intro for my grant proposal. 1 page down, 4 to go...

I was pretty happy today. Something about the snow put me in a good mood and I don't know why. Probably because some sick, canadian part of me really loves winter. I'm not a big christmas music fan, but it was kind of nice to study to it today in Second Cup. It reminded me that once I make in through exams I'm going home for a bit. And that is exciting.

My roommate Lindsay from last year sent me an article called: "A Great Place to Leave" about how some guy from Edmonton has moved to Victoria and likes it there better than he liked it here. Now some other guy wrote back and said that he likes living in Calgary better than living in Victoria and that one was called: Why I left the Coast(once you are there you'll have to click on Opinions.It probably won't be there long as it is from December 1st and the website doesn't seem to archive). You'll notice that the rebuttal is sent from someone living in Calgary... and really doesn't say much about Edmonton being a great place. On that note, I can't wait to get back to Calgary. I guess the two things I like most about Edmonton are 1) the University and 2) the People I have met here. And pretty much other than that, the city really hasn't given me a lot to fall in love with. The University is pretty much its own city within a city where I have gotten to know many great people. Other than leaving those people behind when I am done, I won't miss Edmonton. So for me... Edmonton will always be : "A Great Place to Leave".

Well I should go to bed so I can get many quality hours of studying done tomorrow!

State: Happy I was so productive
Song: Random Christmas music

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