Monday, December 13, 2004

So today I was thinking about what I like about the week before exams. And you are probably thinking- what could someone like about the week leading up to exams? I mean, it is stressful, and all you do is, eat sleep and study? What can be so great about that?

As I ate some of the massive bean salad I made, I was thinking that one of the things I love most about the week before exams is the food I eat. I mean- rarely do I get to eat three meals at home during the school year. So you know what exams means? Hot food at lunch!!! And easy yet delicious food like tuna melts, pork and mushroom sauce with rice and vegetables, bean salad with veggie burgers... fruit, salads. Mmmm my mouth is watering as I write this. And I wonder why I gain 5 pounds during exam week... I am literally spending all my time eating sleeping and studying.

So really I had nothing else to write about... and really the only thing I think about other than school is eating... ah the basic needs. The only thing studying stops for...

State: sleepy
Song: Jack Johnson- Brushfire Fairytales

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