Friday, December 10, 2004

I wanted to post earlier, but blogger wasn't letting me. Sheesh... I've realised that I can be highly focused on something when I want to be. It is really too bad that the focus doesn't last for longer. Like today for example, I haven't had even the tiniest little bit of desire to go on MSN. And I actually know what is going on in Dr. Bad's class and realize that as long as I do a really good job studying for my simple genomes class there is enough overlap between the two classes that I should be able to make it work.

Just now, I went to see if my Cell Biology mark was up yet and it wasn't. So I was clicking through Dr. Harrington's list of web links and I found this website that does "Protein of the Month" features. From what I can tell, December's protein is Ubiquitin. A pretty cool protein... lol How geeky am I?

Anyhow... I should get back to work. As fun as this little break was :)

State: Pretty good
Song: Random Internet Radio I found at Live365

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