Saturday, January 22, 2005

Before I start my day today, I want to recap the day that was yesterday. All and all barring a few falls on the pavement, yesterday was a good day.

The school day was uneventful. Really. Hearing about what gel electrophoresis is and that A pairs with T and G pairs with C for the MILLIONTH TIME isn't my idea of a good time. I mean THAT'S WHAT THE PRE-REQ was for... if they don't remember that, I don't know how they passed the pre-req. I guess he also talked about restriction enzymes, but again no new info that wasn't in the PRE-REQ. And from taking my stupid lab theory course, I know way more about restriction enzymes than I need to for this class. I'll be mad if I don't get at least an A- in this class. I'm actually aiming for a A. I really hope I'm a curve wrecker in that class.

After school, I went home and attempted to work on my lab report. I got some done, but I hate the format of the lab book... I never know if I am writing it up the way she wants me too. I guess I'll find out this coming lab class.

So I'm getting a little hungry, and I decided that I will go to the store to pick up groceries. I get all my groceries and I even pick up a bottle of wine to go with dinner. So, I'm walking home and I'm just about to cross the street and I think the driver sees me... but see doesn't and starts to go because she sees that traffic is clear enough for her to turn. I'm startled because I see this van coming toward me, so I stop dead in my tracks and fall flat on my ass, well more back. She mouths sorry to me and then proceeds to drive away. I'm not too upset at this point, because I'm not hurt and that is what is important. I keep walking and just as I pass Pharos I fall flat on my ass. I get into the house and put all my groceries down. I run upstairs and go to the bathroom and when I get back I notice this two puddles of liquid forming around my backpack. I look and it appears to be milk. That's when I get upset. Everything in my bag is SOAKED with milk. My potatoes, veggies, everything. Now I am fuming- because this fall on the ice has cost me a liter of milk (I salvaged the other liter of the two liter carton)and quite possibly a bag of potatoes (because potatoes aren't supposed to get wet and milk probably isn't the best thing for them to get wet with. I rinsed then and dried them so we'll see.)

Once I got everything cleaned up, I made my wonderful supper of garlic mashed potatoes, veggies and my Caribbean chicken. I was really good. To complete the meal, I had a glass of the wine I bought: Ernest & Gallo White Zinfandel 2003. For a cheap wine (8.99$ a bottle), it was really good. I had it for the first time at Princess' cocktail party last weekend, and I figured from what I read on wine that it would go nicely with the meal I made. I'd highly recommend it, even if you normally don't like wine. It is such a pretty colour too. Dark pink... because the grapes they make it with are black Zinfandel grapes, where they separate the juice from the skin almost immediately after pressing it. My first experience with rose wine was at grad, and I didn't like that one much. But I also hadn't drank much at that point, so I don't think I appreciated anything that wasn't sugary sweet. I also want to try some red wines. I have limited experience with red wine and I'd like to broaden my palate. I'd also like to buy some cheap wine glasses at Ikea or something because these plastic ones we have here really aren't cutting it.

Lindsay's mad at us because well Becky didn't notice that she had cleaned the kitchen. The thing is- Becky, Di and I all do the amount of cleaning she did in the kitchen the other day, everyday... or every other day. So she's all mad that we didn't notice, well I'm kinda annoyed that she probably hasn't noticed we've been doing all the cleaning. I'm so mad I actually want to clean, but we are trying to wait it out until she cleans the bathroom , because she hasn't cleaned it yet this year. And Becky and I have each cleaned it like 3 times. And Di, like twice. We need some sort of system or Lindsay won't clean.

Anyhow... As much as I'd like to spend the day just writing on here, I have to go do work. Until next time- adios.

State: good
Song: Just a Ride- Jem

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