Monday, January 31, 2005

I figured I should update seeing as yesterday I was a tad unhappy. Today was much better, just as I predicted it would be.

Chad thought it appropriate that we dub Mondays: Lab Monkey Mondays. Because it is the day the lab monkeys (aka us) go to the lab. So this is my account of Lab Monkey Monday.

I'll just skip to the lab, because that is the most interesting part. Today, I helped the TA teach the class how to do stoichiometery again. Yesterday, on the horrible day that was yesterday I taught myself how to do stoichiometry again. I know this will sounds bad, but it felt nice to feel smart again. I feel so out of my league in lectures sometime. I mean, I'm not the type of person that does well when everything is memorized and it is all detail memorizing and not applied. But once something is applied, I'm totally in my element. I mean things make so much more sense to me when I can experience them myself.

Okay so moving on, the story won't be as funny as it was went it happened. So we were counting our flies and scoring them by phenotype- males and female, stubble or not etc. And I am having a lot of trouble telling the males from the females, so I say, "Usually, I don't have trouble telling males and females apart..." and before I could even finish our TA, Monica, says,"Maybe its because they are flies?" lol like I said you had to be there. And then I said, "I'm having trouble getting males," and of course I got made fun of for that. I only did get five of the male flies that I was supposed to get. Two in one vial, three in the other each of those vials with 10 virgins each. I though of naming them... (the males that is). But it is too late now. I like to call my fly vials "little harems" because that is precisely what they are.

So we are thinking of going out on Valentine's day for Margarita Monday as a lab. I think that would be fun and I say as a lab but I've really only talked about it with Chad, Leanne and Sarah so we'll see.

I was so happy we finished early today and I even had enough energy to cook myself some dinner. And that is exciting... sigh. Why do I like labs so much? I don't know and I don't care. Lets just hope things go as well tomorrow!

State: wonderful
Song: A Movie Script Ending- Death Cab for Cutie

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