Sunday, January 16, 2005

So far this weekend has been fun. Actually, it has been exactly what I needed. I feel refreshed and ready to work and more mentally prepared to tackle that thing that is school work. So I'll give you a quick recap of the weekend!

Friday (the start of any good weekend), I went to Princess' house for a "outrageous" dressy cocktail party. People always ask me, "Oooh well what kind of cocktails did you have?" and I'm like , "Well I guess we only drank wine and sangria, which really aren't cocktails at all. It was a nice, adult, civilized party with lots of interesting people and I didn't even talk about school that much. I was concerned about this "outrageously" dressy thing but most people didn't even dress up so in comparison, I looked pretty outrageous next to them. But what I wore was nothing out of the ordinary. I did put my hair up into this really neat braided up-do... hard to explain. It's really too bad I don't have pictures. Everyone said it looked really cool though.

Saturday was spent not doing very much. I had kind of planned to have all of my lab repost done before I went over to Sarah T.'s to watch movies but I didn't am a lot father along than I was before though. So I went to Sarah's... and it was fun. I took the 7 to get there, and Daley was right about that bus being sketchy. And I had to walk three blocks through a sketchy area of town in the dark and that so was not cool. I rented the last copy of Garden State from the Movie studio because Sarah and I hadn't seen it and made an executive decision that we were going to watch it anyways, even if everyone else has. I loved it. I actually want to watch it again before I return it because it was so good.

Anyhow, that was essentially my weekend. I guess I still have today. I will be working on stuff all day so that really doesn't count. That concludes Lisa's weekend in review. Hope everyone has a most stellar day!

State: Happy
Song: Caring is Creepy- the Shins

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