Monday, January 31, 2005

I should be in bed right now but at the same time I want to vent on here. I'm feeling so many things right now and unfortunately, not one of those feelings is good. In fact, I'm not sure I've felt this horrible in quite some time. Well I guess that means it is about time. I could list everything I'm feeling, but there really isn't much point because: 1) I'm sure no one really cares and 2) I don't feel like it. I mean, why drag everyone else down with my problems?

I should go to bed and sleep and hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and everything will be okay. It's a nice thought anyhow... I have to go to bed now or tomorrow things will be even less okay than if I were to keep writing.


State: Awful
Song:Crestfallen- Smashing Pumpkins (the pessimist in me)/Breakaway- Kelly Clarkson (the optimist in me)

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