Wednesday, January 05, 2005

It's funny how when you are lying in bed trying to fall asleep you can think of the most wonderful, insightful and deep things to post on the blog and then when you wake up in the morning all those thoughts are gone.

So that is exactly what happened last night. And thus, you get this boring post about not much of anything. I went to my Dad's house yesterday and ended up sleeping over even though that wasn't the plan. We watched the hockey game and it was a pretty fun game to watch. Always nice to see Canada win.

Today, I haven't really done much because I only got home at 3:30 pm. I am supposed to go out with some people tonight, but I have no idea what we are doing. But I am always up for surprises.

Anyhow... I am going to end this post here. Holidays have gone by so fast, I'm not ready to go back to school.

State: Pretty Good

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