Sunday, December 07, 2003

hmmm so less is more. I'm liking this theory. I guess I'll see how it works on Tuesday. The past three days have gone by sooo quickly. And you know what's funny: I think I've gone out (yes I'm counting walking in this) more in the past four days than I have all term. Funny/crazy. I guess you could use both those words to describe me as well. I was just thinking about how I censor myself from myself. Yes that's right... self-censorship. aka- self deception. yeah... there are so many things that I would like to believe true of myself and I try to convince myself of these truths. And the thoughts I am suppressing really aren't healthy thoughts to be having about one-self. And I try and convince myself I don't have them. For example- I'd like to believe that someday someone will love me... but inside deep inside I think I carry the opposite belief. Weird and Sad... hmmm Anyhow... going to bed now so I can get an "early" start to the studying.

Song: It's All Understood- Jack Johnson
State: Pensive... and in the back of my mind still worried about exams

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