Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Sigh... Well here is my update. I did much better than expected on the evil lab exam from hell. A whopping 72% which sits me at 74% in the course, not bad at all. I'm feeling okay about the material. Now it just depends on how the test goes down and how he asks questions and such. It is no longer in my control anymore. I stayed up until 2 last night being quizzed out of my mind by Lindsay and got a good 7 hours sleep and I am feeling quite refreshed.

I probably won't feel very refreshed when I get home and have to study for my biochem exam. Oh well, c'est la vie. At least it is only tomorrow afternoon again. And then I get a day break! Woo hoo!

Well, I'm going to go shower and ready myself.

Song: Bubble Toes- Jack Johnson
State: Trying to get into "the zone" for my exam

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