Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I felt like writing, but i'm not sure what to write exactly. Yesterday and what seems like will be today as, well how do I describe this feeling? Ah I think I have found the words: numb and detached.

Feeling is almost always better than feeling nothing at all. As distracting as it was, I'd almost give anything to go back to being super confused (which I still am- but I'm just not feeling it anymore). It would almost be good to feel like this during exams, except for that it wipes away all motivation along with it.

I wish I could just laugh, cry, freak out, feel something.I also wish I could curl up into a ball and just sleep the feeling off. Alas, I can't. I need to get ready for school. Put on my yet to be cleaned clothes and drag my ass to school.

Mood: Numb and detached
Song: What you wish for- Guster

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