Sunday, December 14, 2003

Today I have to get stuff done. That's all there is to it. I'm just going to have to pretend I'm motivated and get some studying done. And I say pretend because I will be pretending.

It's still too quiet in my house.

I had funky weird dreams last night. It was weird- it all took place at the unversity- but a messed up version of the U of A campus. And everyone in band from high school was taking the same classes as me. And I was going to be late for my microbiology lab and it was in some weird underground place. So I asked someone how to get there. And they told me. But then Caitlin wanted me to go look at something before we went, even though I was already running pretty late having to walk from the other side of campus. Before she could show me what she was going to show me, Daley walks up to us of and announces that he's bought us each a pack of gum. Yes that's right-gum. I got spearmint, caitlin got Eucalyptus and Daley bought himself pepper mint. Then I said that we'd better hurry or we won't get any chocolate. Caitlin told me not to worry and we didn't go in for a few minutes longer. Finally I decided to go it... and they followed me and there were no seats left. I sat beside people I went to elementary school and junior high with. And the worst part of the dream: I didn't get any chocolate. And the it kinda switched and I was watching this show about U.F.O.'s and how they have video's and stuff to support their existance and the U.F.O.'s was searching around with this circular beam thing and then suddenly it disappeared. And then I woke up.

Okay, off to be productive.

State: Motivationless
Song: One- Aimee Mann

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